Collocated with ICAPS 2019 in Berkeley, USA.
The field of Reasoning about Actions and Change (RAC) is a fundamental area of Knowledge Representation. In recent years, RAC moved from standard forms of reasoning, such as action sequence executability and future effects (projection), to more sophisticated forms of reasoning which share many commonalities with other fields of CS, from verification in Formal Methods to process modeling and analysis in Business Process Management. Connections between RAC and planning have naturally existed since the early beginnings of both areas. Generalized planning and synthesis, MDPs/RL, supervisory control, are all areas that are both related to planning and RAC. However, papers from these various areas are dispersed across many conferences, which makes it difficult to follow the general direction of the field. Drawing upon a successful format followed in other fields (e.g.,, the workshop aims to offer a wide picture of the latest research in the field and a chance to meet everybody in the community. The workshop takes place on th 12th of July. Duration of every talk is 10 minutes. A the end of each session we have a discussion.
Advising and Instructing Reinforcement Learning Agents with LTL and Automata by Rodrigo Toro Icarte |
RLTG: A Reinforcement Learning framework for Temporal Goals by Marco Favorito |
Relevance in Task Planning: From Action-Selection to Goal-Driven Behavior in Large Stochastic Domains by Juan Carlos Saborío |
BREAK (10:30-11am) |
Automatic Programming via Generalized Planning by Giuseppe De Giacomo, Blai Bonet, Hector Geffner, Fabio Patrizi and Sasha Rubin |
Recent Advances in Controller Synthesis from Specification for Terminating and Non-Terminating Programs by Alberto Camacho |
ASNets: Deep Learning for Generalised Planning by Sam Toyer, Felipe Trevizan, Sylvie Thiébaux and Lexing Xie |
FOND Planning for LTLf and PLTL Goals by Francesco Fuggitti |
LUNCH BREAK (12:30-2pm) |
INVITED TALK by Christian Fritz (2pm) (abstract) |
Session 3: LINEAR TEMPORAL LOGIC (2:45pm) |
Heuristic Search Planning With Multi-Objective Probabilistic LTL Constraints by Peter Baumgartner, Sylvie Thiebaux and Felipe Trevizan |
Dynamic and Temporal Answer Set Programming on Linear Finite Traces by Pedro Cabalar and Torsten Schaub |
BREAK (3:30-4pm) |
Session 4: EXPRESSIVE PLANNING (4pm) |
Reinforcement Learning Design by Sarah Keren, Gopal Vashishtha and David Parkes |
Computing Agent’s Expectations in Nondeterministic Domains by Noah Reifsnyder and Hector Munoz-Avila |
A Knowledge Based Multi-agent Epistemic Planner with Implicit Coordination by Biqing Fang, Hai Wan and Yongmei Liu |
Representation, Explainable Reasoning and Interactive Learning in Robotics by Mohan Sridharan Refinement-Based Architecture for Knowledge |
Closing Remarks (5pm) |
Title: Planning in Industry, An Experience Report (2pm)
Abstract: During my 8+ years working in industry I have encountered several problems that lent themselves to solutions that relied on knowledge representation and planning. This includes automated process planning and designing fixtures for CNC machining, mixed-mode transportation planning, high-level task planning for a mobile service robot, and automated testing of robot-behavior. In this talk I will describe these problems and discuss our solution to a couple of them in detail, focusing on aspects that put some of the assumptions made in academic planning research into question. My objective with this is to convince primarily the students in the audience that in these problems (a) representation, not planning, was the most impactful ingredient to success, that (b) in any automation problem the plan does not matter but execution does, and that (c), unsurprisingly, domain-independence does not matter when faced with problems in any specific domain.
Bio: Christian’s background is in knowledge representation and planning. He is currently the Vice President of Software Engineering at Savioke, maker of the Relay robot, an autonomous delivery robot for crowded indoor environments like hotels and hospitals. Prior to joining Savioke Christian led the Representation and Planning Area at PARC, a Xerox Company. Christian earned his BS and MS from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and his PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Abstract: This workshop aims to bring together researchers working in ares related to reasoning about actions, verification, synthesis, and RL, particularly those interested in the connections between two or more of these areas. We invite submissions for presentations, not papers. We welcome a presentation on your favorite recent technical work, position paper, or open problems with clear and concise formulations of current challenges. We hope to have 15 minute presentations, at least one keynote talk, and a panel, but time and space restrictions for all ICAPS-19 workshops may require us to modify the format. Sessions will be designed to promote interaction between the attendees by holding frequent discussion periods for analysis and critique. Submissions should have a single main author, who will be the speaker, and each speaker can have no more than one submission. Each submission must be 1 or 2 pages long including references (use the ICAPS 2019 style), and may refer to joint work with other collaborators to be credited in the presentation. There are no formal proceedings and we encourage submissions of work presented or submitted elsewhere (no copyright transfer is required, only permission to post the abstract on the workshop site). Topics of interest include but are not limited to: